Coucou !

Sneak Peek event started a new round on May, the 25th and Petit Chat released a new exclusive for the occasion.
This one is called Fizz !!! And it's a cute classy short dress.
From left to right : Fizz Aqua, Fizz Sand, Fizz Cherry

3 versions are available : Aqua, Sand and Cherry. Enough for you to add fizz everywhere you go.

The dress comes in 5 standard size, it has a deep lowcut in the back closed by crossed straps. Straps also fall from both shoulders.
It is materials enabled. The materials give a subtle contrast with a peach skin velvet effect, which makes it always soft to the touch.

Your taxi for Sneak Peek : Let'sgo !
You will find also there : the sunny dresses, Cleo dresses and A warm place outfit, remaining exclusive for the event till july, 5th.

Enjoy !

Other blogs featuring this item :

Lua's blog : http://luasecrets.blogspot.pt/2015/05/sneak-peek-may-round_26.html
Selene's blog : http://elinventariodeselene.blogspot.com.es/2015/05/geiser.html
Vera : http://moleskinedeveracruza.blogspot.fr/2015/05/champagne-it-is-only-wine-which-leaves.html

Widelmina : http://virtualfashionbywidelminazeminoba.blogspot.mx/2015/05/petit-chat-amazing-creations-for.html
Savy : http://savypelagus.blogspot.fr/2015/05/petic-chat.html
Lolita : http://escapades.de.lolita.over-blog.com/2015/05/27-05-2015-glitter-masoon-dual-fashion-petit-chat-finesmith-lazuri.html
Lizz : https://melodyofourheart.wordpress.com/2015/05/28/need-you-by-my-side/
Elotte : http://blog.elotte-bridger.com/2015/05/petit-chat-fizz-for-sneak-peek.html
Kestrel's blog : http://kestrelspixelandia.blogspot.fr/2015/06/fizz-petit-chat-fine-french-couture_14.html


Coucou !!

Penumbra FashionWeek Spring Summer 2015 is still running for 2 more weeks. Fashionshows are now done but the retail arrea is still open. Petit Chat is part of it with 5 amazing exclusive releases, 3 for women, and..... this is new.... 2 for men ! All from ArtFashion collection of course, and all materials enabled.

Whisper of roses : 

Whispers of Roses outfit

Whispers of roses is created from an artwork of mine having the same name, and created from a
snapshot i made at Embryo. If you dont know this place, i strongly advice you to visit it. Embryo
I went to visit it some monthes ago, but since then, i found myself with the idea of roses in my mind almost everytime i m creating something.

So this gorgeous gown is opened in the front and has a long drappé in the back. I added to it a gorgeous headpiece made of a rose and branches, and a jewellery set (anklets, bracelets and choker) made of roses and entwined branches with thorns (ouch !).
The result is stunning, and i cant resist to tell you how much i am proud this dress has been used for the official poster of the event that you may see on Penumbra website. 

Gone with the wind : 

Gone with the wind dress and petals

Another one on the theme of the roses and textured from another artwork featuring again the same place, Embryo sim.
This one is an ode to feminity. A sexy tight dress with a big rose on the waist and accessorised with petals on one of the shoulder. The result is the top of the chic and elegance IMHO. Perfect for a cocktail or a formal event even if its not a gown.

Dancing in the light :

Dancing in the light outfit

This fancy dress is an invitation to the dance. Textured from an old artwork of mines, featuring a super scupture of 2 dancers that i saw for the first time at the no longer exhiting Humanoid sim.
The pring is applied over a lace fabric, giving it a more sophisticated look even.
On the head, you may wear the headpieces with petals and pearls that comes in the pack too, and you can finish your look by wearing the lovely colored beaded jewellery set (earrings, bracelets and necklace) that you will get also in the pack.

The lighthouse : 

The lighthouse outfit - Model Arnno Planer

At the last fashionweek, in september, I've been amazed by the elegance of one of the male models on the catwalk : Steele Sirnah. After several conversations with him, i challenged myself, i will come to this fashionweek with also outfits for men. So here are my 2 first creations for men.
This first one has been created from one of my artworks featuring the beautiful Elysion's sim lighthouse.
The pants is a comfy leather one with several pockets and zipps. The shirt is made of felt and shows the lighthouse on both side of the front.
As accessories, I added a felt cap and googles.

The last crossing :

The last crossing outfit - Model Arnno Planer

This one has been created from my artwork called "The last crossing" featuring an impressive viking boat.
It is the perfect outfit for relaxed men. All materials enabled, pants is made of cotton jean fabric, with  great details as pockets and straps. The top is made of pearl cotton, displaying the boat both on front and back. All other parts of the textures have been made from the sky and the sea displayed in the original artwork.
The hat is an impressive original mesh from my friend Herkimer Highmist.

Penumbra FashionWeek retail arrea is open till about the 10th of june. So don't miss this opportunity to be fully immerged into the best of SL fashion. Your limo : Penumbra FashionWeek 

Other blogs featuring those items :

Whispers of roses : 
Mila's blog : http://slfeelthestyles.blogspot.pt/2015/05/nothin-to-say-about.html
Matsu's blog : http://matsus-poupees.blogspot.fr/2015/05/petit-chat-for-penumbra-fashion-week.html
Landa's blog : https://landacrystal.wordpress.com/2015/05/24/moi-le-chat-errant/
Jenie's blog : http://slfashionlife.blogspot.fr/2015/05/petit-chat-springsummer-fashion-week.html
Mallory's blog : http://afewpinkcigarettes.blogspot.fr/2015/05/whisper-of-roses.html
Inventory mess blog : http://inventorymess.blogspot.com.br/2015/05/lex-859.html#.VWbyGM_tlBc
Selene's blog : http://elinventariodeselene.blogspot.fr/2015/05/roses.html
Vera's blog : http://moleskinedeveracruza.blogspot.fr/2015/05/les-roses-chuchotent-ce-que-les-mots-ne.html
Savy's blog : http://savypelagus.blogspot.fr/2015/05/todo-lo-que-deseas-esta-al-otro-lado.html
Lizz's blog : https://melodyofourheart.wordpress.com/2015/05/13/rose-arch/
Elotte's blog : http://blog.elotte-bridger.com/2015/05/petit-chats-whisper-of-roses.html

Gone with the wind :
Kestrel 's blog : http://kestrelspixelandia.blogspot.fr/2015/05/gone-with-wind-petit-chat-artfashion.html
Widelmina's blog : http://virtualfashionbywidelminazeminoba.blogspot.mx/2015/05/petit-chat-amazing-creations-for.html
Landa's blog : https://landacrystal.wordpress.com/2015/05/24/moi-le-chat-errant/
Inventory mess blog : http://inventorymess.blogspot.com.br/2015/05/lex-859.html#.VWbyGM_tlBc
Shari's blog : http://sharithecat.blogspot.co.uk/2015/05/gone-with-wind.html
Vera's blog : http://moleskinedeveracruza.blogspot.fr/2015/05/quest-ce-quun-serment-un-mot-emporte.html
Savy's blog : http://savypelagus.blogspot.fr/2015/05/todo-despues-de-un-tiempo-de-deja-de.html
Lizz's blog : https://melodyofourheart.wordpress.com/2015/05/14/between-the-petals/

Dancing in the light :
Kestrel's blog : http://kestrelspixelandia.blogspot.fr/2015/05/dancing-in-light-petit-chat-artfashion.html
Widelmina's blot : http://virtualfashionbywidelminazeminoba.blogspot.mx/2015/05/petit-chat-amazing-creations-for.html
Landa's blog : https://landacrystal.wordpress.com/2015/05/24/moi-le-chat-errant/
Chloe's blog : http://chloeelectra.blogspot.fr/2015/05/110.html
Jenie's blog : http://slfashionlife.blogspot.fr/2015/05/petit-chat-springsummer-fashion-week.html
Inventory mess blog : http://inventorymess.blogspot.com.br/2015/05/lex-859.html#.VWbyGM_tlBc
Steve neox's blog : http://fashionpoliceofsl.blogspot.fr/2015/05/lotd277.html
Lua's blog : http://luasecrets.blogspot.pt/2015/05/penumbra-fashion-week-ss15.html
Vera's blog : http://moleskinedeveracruza.blogspot.fr/2015/05/cette-fete-du-corps-devant-nos-ames.html
Savy's blog : http://savypelagus.blogspot.fr/2015/05/el-baile-puede-revelar-todo-el-misterio.html
Lizz's blog : https://melodyofourheart.wordpress.com/2015/05/15/dancing-in-the-light/

The last crossing :
Jenie's blog : http://slfashionlife.blogspot.fr/2015/05/petit-chat-springsummer-fashion-week.html
Steele's blog : https://furelle.wordpress.com/2015/05/17/the-last-crossing/

The lighthouse : 
Steele's blog : https://furelle.wordpress.com/2015/05/19/penumbra-ss-2015-fashion-week/
Jenie's blog : http://slfashionlife.blogspot.fr/2015/05/petit-chat-springsummer-fashion-week.html
Virus's blog : http://virusmelody.com/crushberry/


Coucou !

The lovely month of May is here, so RaglanShire Artwalk is back !

Raglan Shire Artwalk welcome area

This event is existing from 2007 and it's the 10th edition (they started doing it twice a year) and it is a pure delight to visit it each time !
Gathering together around 100 artists, the Ragan Shire sims offer hedges and spaces for 2D and 3D artpieces .

As Raglan Shire is a big community of tinies, a strong one and those people are really doing great in the art of living together.  Their space covers several sims and it is really well organized, with everything a tiny residend would need : residential areas, shops, spots for hanging out, some artgalleries, place for entertainment, fishing arreas, beaches,  etc. Well, whatever activity a tiny resident would like to practice, they can  find it at the Raglan Shire sims.

Raglan Shire Artwalk

On top of being cute as hell, and giving willing to anyone to take them in their arms and cuddle them, they also have a great human quality : they are super friendly and welcoming.
And as I am writing these lines, I hear the lil im bell of my sl window ringing. I look and see by yourself :
[10:35] ShinyWhiteDragon: Hi Trinity Harmony Happiness luck love & light to you .
And it's not rare here to be welcomed by resident via a friendly IM.
We shared some words and he also pointed that among the Raglan Shire community there are "some most amazing builders too .

Raglan Shire Artwalk

As the place is huge and running over several sims, the Artwalk is of course divided in several arreas and you may find easily signs to TP from an area to another.
There are 2 areas for 2D art. Hedges are filling the space and RL or SL art are hanging all over.

TP : 

The morning shire host 2D textures too and sculptures aswell 

Morning Shire  (this is where i was last year)

Raglan Shire Artwalk

I got an hedge close to arrival point. So I could put some of my artworks from my “Fragments” exhibition here. And I am well surrounded because my friend Chloe Seljan has an hedge right in front of me and just next to her, is also the wall of Taylor Flanagan, her partner in crime.

Raglan Shire Artwalk (a part of my hedge on the right side, Chloe Seljan hedge on the left side)
As you may see in the pics there is a big diversity among the pieces exhibited.  RL painting, digital painting, RL and SL photography, drawing, fractals, there is something for every taste.

The Morning Shire and 2 other areas are hosting 3 D art. 

I first went to visit the Morning Shire, because it is where i got an hedge last year.
This year, there is no hedge there but some lovely sculptures on the grass.

Morning Shire- sculptures

The atmosphere is still so bright. I like this spot a lot. Peaceful and ideal for daydreaming and enjoying the view.

Heron Shire  displays also some great 3D pieces. Like this stand "Life is a battlefield" from Noke Yuitza from Alegria Studio.

Heron Shire- "Life is a battlefied" Noke Yuitza
Or this striking one created in tribute to chemotherapy patients : 
Heron Shire - "Minerva" by Noke Yuitza

Here too, there is a lot of diversity among the works displayed.
Just some steps further you can see this funny sculpture from nessuno Myoo : "Self portrait without hat".
Heron Shire- "Selfportrait without hat" by Nessuno Myoo

Or this impressive installation from Giovanna Cerise : "Saudade".

Heron Shire - "Saudade' by Giovanna Cerise

Next to that one, standing in the sea, is the installation from Alegria studio, also impressive, that you maybe visited when it was on a LEA sim (Sea of cubic dreams).
Heron Shirt- "Sea of cubic dream" by Studio Alegria

The installation on LEA is one of the most impressive i ever seen in SL.

Sadly i cant show you all the sculptures there, and you must go and visit by yourself. You wont regret it. 

We will finish the visit at the Athen Shire, hosting also some amazing 3D art.

Athen Shire - "The dragon" by Kerupa Flow

"The Dragon-limited edition" is the first piece you will see while arriving there. The artwork is from Kerupa Flow and it worth the view. It s all animated and change as you are watching it.

Just behind this stand you will find some other sculptures. Like this interesting one : "Best friends" by iSkye Silverweb.

Athen Shire - "Best Friends" by iSkye Silverweb

Or this intriguing "Medzera" by Corcosman Voom.

Athen Shire - "Medzera" by Corcosman Voom.

Do not forget while you are there to visit also the Raglan Shire TreeGallery, hosting pieces from some artists of the community. 

Also know that there is a pretty full schedule of activities all along the year and open to everyone whatever you are a tiny or not, resident of the community or not.
As my new friend ShinyWhiteDragon told me earlier : "oh and by the way biggies and tinies and all avas are welcome to raglanshire" .
So here is the link if you want to know what are the weekly activities there : http://raglanshire.com/events/index.html.

And I couldnt resist before leaving the place to make a pic in order to show you how pleasant is this place :

I really hope that after reading this post you will have willings to tp there and visit the whole place. The artwalk will run till the end of the month, but the place is open to the public all along the year.

A huge thank you here to Karmagirl Avro and all her team for their super and perfect managing of the event.

Enjoy your visit ! Have fun !

(Pics of this post are raw photographs)


Coucou !

Sneak Peek april round is till running till the 5th. You already know 2 of my 3 exclusives for that round if you did read the 2 previous posts and here I am to introduce the third one : "A warm place".

That one is an ArtFashion Collection item. In order to create the texture I used my artwork called with the same name (A warm place) that you may see in my flikr stream. This one is part of my current exhibition "Fragment" that you can see at Petit Chat Artgallery  .
It has been created from a photo I made at HPMD sim and well, althought it's not a raw shot, the post processing is really light. This sim is a pure gem for photographers.

While redrawing the pic for the dress, I added a bit of lace on the texture in order to match with the glamour of the outfit.

The dress itself is really sexy and feminine. It's like a second skin. It will show all your curves. The top of the dress is like a bustier.
It comes in 5 standard sizes and it's copy.
The hat is my original mesh creation. The first I'm including in one of my packs. It's a funny hat, and wasn't meant to be a hat at first but a lilly of the valley flower. After I've been done with it I thought it would make a pretty adorable hat, so i modified it a bit for this purpose.
The hat comes wit mod perm as hats are not always easy to adjust over hair. Just be careful to make a back up copy before modifying anything.

The whole outfit is 480 L$ and you can find it for now only at Sneak Peek event ! It will be opened till the 5th of May, then you will have to wait till the 25th before it reopens. So dont wait too much !

Other blogs featuring this item :
Lolita's blog : http://escapades.de.lolita.over-blog.com/2015/04/30-04-2015-petit-chat-rapture-ashmoot-de-boutique-jumo-fashion-kaithleen-s-giulia-designs-finesmith.html
Lua's blog : http://luasecrets.blogspot.pt/2015/04/penumbra-sneak-peek-april-round-1.html
Inventory mess : http://inventorymess.blogspot.com.br/2015/04/lex-837.html
Elotte's blog : http://blog.elotte-bridger.com/2015/04/petit-chat-warm-place.html
El camino blog : http://elcaminantefashion.blogspot.fr/2015/04/skin-rain-human-snow-7-deadly-skins.html
Landa 's blog : https://landacrystal.wordpress.com/2015/05/04/follow-the-sun/
Wildemina's blog : http://virtualfashionbywidelminazeminoba.blogspot.mx/2015/05/petit-chat-is-participating-in-join.html
Averil's blog : https://averilmodels.wordpress.com/2015/05/10/new-with-pc/
Airbeth's blog : http://airbethdawg.weebly.com/blog/stars-shine-158