There is an english expression that always makes me smile ... It's the "tongue in cheek" one..
Well, on top of being a nice one as it means things are told with humor, it always bring in my mind the figure of a tongue licking my cheek :)...
Well not that I find this really attractive, but well.. it reminds me when i was teen and then we would easily lick one of our friends's cheek just for the fun, or for teasing, or just like we would have kissed it. That was meant to be affectuate.
So it fits well the expression. At least it fits my interpretation of it and this is why everytime i hear or read that one, it brings a sassy smile on my face !
More seriously, the new flash group gift is out ! This week its lingerie (yeah... we keep with tongues, licking and all that heheheheh)
So you may come at Petit Chat Mainstore and right at the entrance, on the counter you ll get the gift box to touch.
You must wear Petit Chat group tag of course.
The gift is the fatpack of Dentelles lingerie. This is a combo made of a corset and panties, coming on standard layers and also in appliers for Omega, Belleza, Slink, Maitreya and TMP.
Except Omega and TMP, other appliers are Material enabled for even more realism.
See the 8 color versions included in the fatpack here.
Il y a 10 heures
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